No matter what your background or age is, if you have the interest of learning to fly a helicopter, you are on the right way. A successful completion of PPL(H) training and a private pilot licence grants you the right to operate a helicopter for personal use.
The training programme consists of theoretical and practical parts. You will study a number of theoretical subjects which will help you to pass CAA exams. Practical skills will be acquired on a single-engine aircraft (Cabri G2) under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). The duration of the training may vary depending on individual performance and weather conditions. Usually it takes from 3 to 6 months.
Theoretical part consists of 140 hours (25 working days) of PPL(H) theory and covers the following subjects:
Flight training consists of 45 hours (30 working days), including 10 hours of solo flight:
For flight training the Training Centre provides a single engine piston helicopter Cabri G2.
Acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills are proved by passing the following CAA exams:
All necessary material and tools will be provided by the Training Centre:
The Training Centre is located in a walking distance from Kaunas International Airport (EYKA).
Initial practical training will start at one of our aerodromes/helipads (EYKA and EYKS) and continue across a number of national airports and aerodromes.
The dynamic city of Kaunas perfectly combines comfortable living with high quality services and entertainment for a reasonable cost.
Let us know how we can help you. Please fill out the form below and we will do our best to get in touch within one working day to discuss your personal needs and requirements.