About Us

Aircraft Support and Training Europe Ltd.

es el mayor centro de formación aérea en Europa del Este especializado en la formación de pilotos y técnicos de helicópteros. Ofrecemos los siguientes cursos:

For flight personnel (crew) – initial training, recurrent and advanced training, helicopter type rating and type conversion training, helicopter and flight simulator training.

Para el personal de vuelo (pilotos e ingenieros de vuelo) - formación inicial, formación recurrente y avanzada, habilitación de tipo y conversión de tipo de helicóptero, entrenamiento en simulador de vuelo

Currently Aviation Training Center provides training of aviation specialists on the following types of helicopters:

Distinctive characteristic of our training center is a possibility for flight crews to perform simultaneous flights on two simulators under identic simulated conditions. It enables to organize flights of two flight crews simultaneously on two simulators, including formation flight training, performance of joint search-and rescue actions, rendering of aid, etc.

For the first time we provide a possibility of NVG flight training for flight crews on MI-8/17 helicopter simulators certified in accordance with EASA regulations.
Mi-8/17 of all modifications, Cabri G2, Eurocopter AS355, AS350/EC130.
Mi-8/17 of all modifications, Cabri G2.
